Councillors have voted to begin an eight-week public consultation on 27 January about Wirral’s Local Plan. The local plan covers buildings, transport, community assets, green spaces and much more.
The Local Plan is based on the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which states that “The planning system should support the transition to a low carbon future in a changing climate, taking full account of flood risk and coastal change. It should help to: shape places in ways that contribute to radical reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, minimize vulnerability and improve resilience; encourage the reuse of existing resources, including the conversion of existing buildings; and support renewable and low carbon energy and associated infrastructure” (NPPF, para 148)
Wirral Environmental Network’s vision for Wirral is
A sustainable, resilient, low carbon borough. A borough that is a greener, cleaner, healthier place to be that protects and connects our green and coastal environments. A borough that becomes zero carbon by 2041 with energy efficient buildings, clean, accessible transport, clean energy and a focus on a local circular economy supporting local employment.
We want Wirral to strive to be the Greenest Borough in the UK.
We encourage everyone to have your say in plans for the future of our borough, towns, villages and neighbourhoods.
The consultation begins on Monday 27 January 2020 and runs for eight weeks. All comments must be received by 5pm Monday 23 March 2020.