April 2023 News
On Sunday 2nd April, we attended a morning meeting with the Wirral Tree Wardens, one of our partners in the Wirral Initiative on Trees. The gathering took place at Brimstage Orchard, a beautiful setting with some of the trees starting to blossom. Wirral Tree Wardens manage the orchard to conserve the heritage tree varieties and use it to learn and share traditional skills in looking after trees, fruit and wildlife. At the meeting, they discussed their plans for the next 6-12 months.
Later on the same day, Wirral Repair Cafe held a practice session at WEN. 15 volunteers met to run through the set up and in the process repaired more than 20 items!
To keep updated with Wirral Repair Cafe news, give them a follow on your social media platform of choice:
On Wednesday 5th April, the St James Centre held an Easter Egg Hunt and storytime at St James Garden. It was a bit of a wet day but the rain didn’t stop the fun!
We also had a work party day at St James Garden. 14 of us attended, including a new family who will be taking on two of the beds that have become available. This time, there was sunny spring weather and it was great to catch up with everyone and share food that we all brought. Special thanks for the Chinese pancakes and home-made soup, with ingredients from the allotment.
On Sunday 23rd April, we took part in Neston Earth Festival, with Susan taking the WEN banner and some leaflets by cargo bike! Susan spoke to lots of other groups at the event to encourage them to sign up to WEN’s Big Green List and the Mersey Green Network Map.
More details about the list and map, including how to add your organisation, can be found on the Wirral Organisations page of our website:
Thanks to Neston Earth Group for organising a great day. It was great to see and engage with such a wide range of environmental groups and businesses.
It was lovely to meet Jim and Sue at Lyndale Orchard in Eastham on 27th April. Within the orchard there is an allotment plot, rhubarb beds and bee hives. There is also a small mobile kitchen. It’s a great space for volunteers and community groups to be outside and enjoy nature.
The orchard is run by Autisans who provide learning opportunities and practical education to autistic people, people with learning difficulties, and those experiencing low confidence and social isolation, as well as their families, friends and carers. The team and volunteers turn the fruit into drinks, jams and preserves, offering income earning opportunities.
The team are always keen to hear from anyone who can help maintain the orchard, grass and pathways. Groups are invited to use the space, with donations to contribute to its upkeep and/or help in the orchard appreciated.
There is a Lyndale Orchard Facebook page if you would like to find out more and keep updated on news: https://www.facebook.com/lyndaleorchard
The WEN Crafters have been busy making things for the Spring Fair next month. Barbara has knitted the beautiful blanket shown in the photo below, which will be on sale on the craft table at the fair, amongst many other lovely handmade items. Do pop in on 20th May and see what takes your fancy!
The Heart4Refugees garden is complete, following our support in getting it established. Their gardening club is now open to all refugees and asylum seekers. If you’re working with or supporting anyone who may be interested in growing vegetables and flowers, sessions take place in the new garden at the Heart4Refugees drop in centre at Grange Baptist Church on Whetstone Lane, Birkenhead and at the Callister Garden in Oxton (see poster below for more details). Travel costs will be paid within Merseyside and West Cheshire. To register, please send a WhatsApp message to 07922 733088.
The Wirral Walking Festival 2023 events programme has been announced. There will be two walks in Wallasey, led by WEN Trustee Anne Litherland, with an opportunity to hear about the Mersey Green Network Map and the work of Wirral Environmental Network.
Tuesday 16th May, 10.30am – 2.30pm
Parks and Green Spaces of Wallasey – Part 1
Meet outside Wallasey Central Library, Earlston Road, CH45 5DX
Parks and Green Spaces of Wallasey – Part 2
Meet outside Grove Road Station ticket office, Grove Road, CH45 8JXCome along for a walk, have a chat about WEN and discover areas you may not know about! There are more details about each of the walks in the poster below. There is no need to book.
Anne will also be leading walks looking at the trees in Birkenhead Park and Flaybrick Memorial Gardens, with the Wirral Tree Wardens, and is involved with the Ramblers Wellbeing Walks. For details of all events, download the full Wirral Walking Festival 2023 Brochure

WEN Wallasey walks – part of Wirral Walking Festival 2023
We would be really grateful if you could take a minute to nominate Wirral Environmental Network for £1,000 from the Benefact Group through their Movement for Good awards.
Please click on the link below and scroll down to the nomination form, which will already be filled in with Wirral Environmental Network’s name and charity category.
Thank you for your support. The more nominations a charity gets, the greater the chance of winning so please do spread the word!