We all need to involve our local groups, families and schools in tree planting and more, but what can we do and where can we get advice?

Tree Council have a number of resources for work with children.

Growing trees from seed, from collecting to care after planting: https://treecouncil.org.uk/take-action/seasonal-campaigns/seed-gathering-season/growing-trees-from-seed/#1600417530782-ddf88fab-0d93

Growing trees from seed – The Tree Council

Everything you need to collect seeds and turn them into healthy young trees. Anyone can grow trees from seed with a few simple pieces of equipment and it’s a great way to put something back into your environment.


A good many schools, parks and projects collect seeds, and tens of thousands of the oak seedlings that the Forestry Commission grows on each year are collected by Welsh schools.

Orchards for Schools: this includes support for edible hedgerows. Very full advice is on-line at

Orchards For Schools free tree packs – The Tree Council

How much space do I need and where is best to plant my fruit trees or hedgerow? You can apply for up to 4 packs, comprising a combination of fruit trees and hedgerow packs per school. Each fruit tree pack contains 5 maiden fruit trees (2m high).

Dave Ellwand, head of Wirral Tree Wardens asks us all to please start thinking with our education partners about this NOW, as the requests for applications are quite imminent. He is very happy to give advice to any schools, etc., including links to local orchards in your area, for when visits become possible. (Teachers can visit Brimstage Orchard, for example, but not school groups at the moment)

In the last 2 years, Tree Wardens and Eco schools in Wirral, Cheshire, Liverpool and North Wales have taken and planted over 20, 000 surplus locally grown trees. Most of these are permanently sited in suitable locations, but others were “fostered” in a sustainable scheme of small collections to meet CoVid restrictions.

We want to share our small local success in bringing together a working group of facilitators of Tree Wardens, Eco-Schools, Forest schools, Adult and Community Educators, Wildlife and Environment Educators. We’ve looked at resources, initiatives and information exchanges, including a Green Challenge funding application. We have a strong local Strategy for Trees, Hedgerows and Woodlands.

Get in touch https://www.facebook.com/WirralTreeWardens