February 2023 News
The Discover Gardening courses continued through February, with Practical Gardening, A to Z of Gardening, and Gardening Group part way through their 10 week terms.
We recently asked for some feedback on the gardening courses and here is a selection of the comments we received:
“The Friday class is an eclectic mix of learning, gardening, friendship and biscuits!”
“As a newbie, not at all intimidated by course content… Carol has underlying structure but enough flex to keep everyone happy. So enjoyable and enlightening.”
“Question and Answer sessions are better than Gardeners’ Question Time to learn all the things you never thought to ask yourself.”
“I have learnt so much from the class. It has given me the confidence to grow vegetables and flowers successfully from seed… The companionship of the group is invaluable… I would not miss it for the world.”
Next term, there are spaces available on the Practical Gardening course starting on Wednesday 19th April. The details are below:
For more information and to book on the course, please phone 07932 355742 or 0151 639 2121 or email carol.seery1@btinternet.com
The Falkland Road Organic Gardeners (FROG) have been a busy bunch. This month they’ve put woodchip on the fruit beds, checked the tomato seedlings in the propagator, made sure the broad bean plants had survived the strong winds in January, and harvested leeks and brussels sprouts.
If you have completed a gardening course at WEN, you are welcome to join FROG, who meet every Wednesday from 10am to 1pm.
The last session of the Eco Action course at the St James Centre took place on 3rd February. The topic was nature and water, looking at free ways to enjoy our green and blue spaces and what we can do to protect them. The session finished by enjoying a meal together, while discussing what personal actions we want to take to improve the environment.
We will be running the Eco Action workshop and course at the Voice of Egremont Hub, starting on Friday 3rd March (see poster below). To book a place, please email voiceofegremont@yahoo.
If you would like us to bring these Eco Action sessions to your community group, please email wen@la21.net to find out more.
Thanks to this enthusiastic response, Julie will be returning to WEN to run another workshop on Saturday 22nd April. This time the theme is crystals and minerals associated with spring. Julie will also teach how to use crystals to boost energy levels. The cost is £15 per person. No prior knowledge is required so everyone is welcome, whether they attended the previous workshop or not.
To book a place, please contact Julie by phoning 07540 073731 or emailing Juliemarshall48@aol.com
We have started working with Heart 4 Refugees to support the construction of a vegetable growing area outside their drop-in centre in Birkenhead. As funds are limited, we are looking for unwanted planters or large containers (not small pots) that would be suitable for growing in.
The work on the veg area begins in March so if you would like to donate containers please email Kenny, WEN’s Sustainable Living Projects Manager: kenny@la21.net