February 2022 News
February 2022 was certainly a stormy month but we didn’t let that slow us down too much…
At Falkland Road, we held our regular group sessions:
- WEN Reclaimers Tuesdays, 10am – 1pm. This month’s projects included making planters, bird boxes, bird tables and hedgehog houses from wood that was going to be thrown away.
- WEN Crafters Alternate Tuesdays, 10am – 1pm. Making sure no fabric goes to waste as they create handmade items such as bags and home decorations.
- FROG (Falkland Road Organic Gardeners) Wednesdays, 10am – 1pm. Growing food and flowers in the raised beds and polytunnels around our Falkland Road building.
Carol also ran a willow weaving session, with participants making plant supports to use in the garden.
If you would like to join any of our groups or find out about future workshops at Falkland Road, please get in touch with us by email wen@la21.net
Maria has been helping the guys at the Bee Wirral CIC Elemental Project in Landsdowne Place, Birkenhead North. They have been pruning, preparing the raised beds for spring planting, sowing sweet peas and enjoying the nature area. Bee Wirral and The Martin Gallier Project are rejuvenating the space, creating a place for men to learn, connect and relax. Sessions take place on Wednesdays, 10am – 1pm, with other days by arrangement. To get involved please contact Tom@beewirral.gov.uk
We were busy at the St James Community Green Hub too. We planted fruit trees at the Hub and at nearby Ilchester Park, with the help of Nicola Wallbank, Landscape Manager from Wirral Council. We passed on some fostered trees from our nursery and prepared the base for the ‘Green Lounge‘ – a wooden covered area for us to shelter when it rains.
Our partnership with the St James Centre continued with a series of three workshops, covering Houseplants, Composting and Climate Change.
Heavy rain didn’t stop Carol and her team brightening up two alleyways in Seacombe. There are now 10 planters in one alleyway and 6 in the other, all planted with evergreens to provide year round interest. The containers will soon be decorated by the residents, helping to bring the community together. Thanks to Wirral Council for the funding for this project.
Maria and the Flower Club members got creative making floral displays. Big thanks to Cath for demonstrating a ribbon edging technique. If you would like to join in with the Flower Club on 26th March, please contact Maria by email harpercain2019@yahoo.com or send a text message to 07708 832418. Cost: £5 for WEN members, £7 for non-members.